1. Bespoke Post- Himalayan Salt Block- Oh my gosh this was my FAVORITE thing this month! We just used it tonight for ice cream and are going to use it to cook flank steak fajitas! If they taste even close to as delicious as this ice cream did I will die happy. ;-)
2. Treatsie- Southern Pecan Toffee- This stuff was amazing! I loved it. A layer of chocolate, delicious toffee and nuts! I suggest EVERYONE buys some!
3. MaryKay Influesnter- Cream Eye Color- Purple Shade
This eyeshadow is amazing! Its so creamy and smooth! I have used it so much!
4. Birchbox- Violet Oasis Lotion - I got this tiny sample of orange lotion and its fantastic. I cannot describe how much I want to buy more of this because of how great it smelled. However for $35 bucks I will stick with Nivea. :-) Or maybe use some Birchbox points.....with an anniversary code?
5. Glossybox- C. Booth Mist- I dont understand what this does, but it smells amazing, and just feels good on my skin!
6.The Fancy- corkcicle- I wanted one of these sooooo bad! its great, and I love it and having it for picnics etc.
7.Bulu- Flapjack Pancake Mix- I was on the bulu site looking at different items to spend points on, and saw this pancake mix. I ALMOST bought it, but instead I got something else, and I was surprised to find it in the bulu box and sooo excited to try it! And its delicious AND protein filled!
8. Target Beauty Box- Venus and Olay Razor- This razor is good. I don't need shaving cream, and it leaves my skin feeling good, not dry etc. I just like it! I also left for a week and came back and it wasn't all rusty or gross, like the soap bar didn't just melt on my shower. Yay!
9. Goodies- Dream Water- This stuff came in another box and it tasted, urm not so much. However the tea version from my goodies was way tastier! It also does work well, and I have had some sleeping issues the past few months since my father passed away. I am very grateful for every bottle of dream water anyone wants to send my way!
10. Popsugar- Fit Popcorn- This was so good! and only 37 calories per serving, it was yummmy!
Those are my FAVORITES from June 2013! What did you love? what item was the BEST of your sub boxes?
*some of the links are referral links, and i will get points for anyone who uses them to sign up*