Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Happy Dog Box Review August 2013

So! I am very excited, because I ordered a Free Happy Dog box, and paid only $9.99 for shipping! The box is currently offering a FREE BOX TRIAL (Again its $9.99 for shipping) Still so if this looks good go check it out! I figured I would spend $10 on dog treats, every time I walk into Petco everything looks SO FUN, and I can't help picking up stuff and spending well over that $10 mark. I also have a cat, so then I feel bad about getting my new puppy treats, and not her so I go get cat toys, and spend even more money! So I love these pet boxes, because sometimes I won't know what kind of treats they will like, or not like so for $10... I had NOTHING To lose!

The box arrived six days after getting a shipping notice (I did not even know this box was coming, I had forgotten about placing the order..the harm of using my credit card online WAY to often, but I missed the email they DID send with shipping info)

The first look was AWESOME! I know its worth the $10 I paid already!

Poop bags. $3.49

 I love this. Its hilarious. Its also practical, useful, and something I kinda hate buying, and haven't bought because of it. Its bags for shit, and they are expensive little buggers. Luckily my apartment complex actually is super pet friendly and has little stations with bags, and garbage containers for our pets. Which I LOVE. However now that Medic* is old enough to play with other dogs, and has all of her shots, and has been fixed we can take her to parks, etc and will need these! So I was really excited about this!

Beef Puffs $4.29 and Dynamo Dog Treats- $6.95

It won't let me rotate these. Or I just cant figure out how I did it before! Sorry! 

I am so excited about these treats! Our treat stash was getting low since I didn't get another pawalla box after my two month code sub (from a coupon code) so i was STOKED about these! We have tried to Dynamic Dog treats before, and since Medic is a lap the Hip and Joint treats are really important for us to give to her! She also loves the other flavor we had of these so I am excited! The beef puffs are very different from anything else we have given her, and I think she will love them. However since she got the bully stick once I opened the box I think I need to wait until later to give her some of these! 

Monster Mouth- $10 and Woofables $3?

Ok so the monster mouth is SO Cool. It opens up on the side, (Yeah i realize now I took a shitty picture sorry!) but it opens on the side, and you can like stuff it, Its also REALLY solid, which is great. Medic is a chewer and is in the process of getting new teeth so any new cloth toys they could have sent would have been destroyed in a minute. This reminds me of the KONG brand we have for her, as far as how solid and good quality it is. I LOVE it, its my favorite item in the box for her, because Its going to be awesome! I also valued it at $10 but the website doesnt sell them, so that was through third party (and a google search!) so I really think it would retain for more than $10.

These treats from Woofables look like a sample, or goodie bag size. However I went to the website and its AWESOME! They have SUCH good treats and things to buy for your pet, and they seem to have such awesome deals on these homemade treats! I suggest checking out the website here!

Bully Stick- $6.28 ish

She wouldn't give this up once I gave it to her. She actually at one point had it positioned under her, so that none of it was sticking out ( Of course, because I needed a picture!) but she loves anything she can chew on! I went online to their website and was surprised that like 25 of these costs like well over $125 so these are good quality items, I don't know if I would spend that much for one bone, but again I am new to owning a dog who can chew through things like WOAH, and despite the damage she did to this, it wasn't gone in 5 minutes like many treats we buy that are supposed to "last and last" seem to be. She liked it!

Ok so my overall opinion is this box was great! Since I only paid $9.99 for the box it was a fantastic deal! The total value is about $34 worth of great brand name dog toys and treats shipped! I don't know if I would pay $29.99 for this, because its not SUCH a fantastic value and I do enjoy the pet store. However I think I may keep it for a little while to see what they do next month!

*My puppy! Yes it is an unusual name, my father passed away this year and was a Paramedic for 30+ years, so I named her for him...even though she was a girl dog!

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